Ana Elena Carballo

Hatha-Vinyasa yoga teacher since 2014. Kidding around yoga certification since that 2014.

From there begins my commitment to share and transmit this discipline to ensure that its practice reaches more and more people.
Hoopyogini certification in 2019, a discipline that combines the philosophy of Yoga, mindfulness and hula hoop as prop for practice.
Currently and since 2014 Yoga instructor at different hotels and tourist companies in La Fortuna de San Carlos, Costa Rica.

As the founder of Yoga Fortuna, my interest has always been in helping people find a way to reconnect with themselves in a subtle way, so that the path to complete well-being is accessible to as many people as possible.

I have personally experienced the benefits we receive from Holistic Therapies and the practice of Yoga. Offering the service is a great satisfaction for me.

Mudra Retreats

Symbolic gesture used in various religions to gain physical, energetic and spiritual benefits. Mudras are used in Yoga to complete some positions during the meditation phases.